Virtual Folder package

The following chapters describe the functionality of virtual folders contained in the subset.

You can download the package from the Tricentis Support Portal as described in chapter "Exchange Portal".

For further information on licenses, please contact Tricentis Support.

Virtual Folder - Incomplete TestCases

The task of this virtual folder is to find all TestCases whose state is not set to COMPLETED and to display the results sorted by name. Accordingly, the virtual folder is located in the TestCases section.

Virtual Folders - TestCases

The state of a TestCase is shown as the value of the property TestCaseWorkState in the Properties tab of a TestCase.

The status can also be seen in the TestCase icon if the option View->TestCase->Show TestCase Workstate is enabled in the main menu.

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL Query - Incomplete TestCases

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:


  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:TestCase allows to search for all TestCases that are child elements of the current element.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to execute a query on the found TestCases. The virtual folder shows only the TestCases that match the query.

    [TestCaseWorkState!=“COMPLETED“] indicates that only objects with a TestCaseWorkState other than COMPLETED are selected, i.e. all objects with the WorkState PLANNED or IN_WORK.

In this example, the two TestCases Vehicle insurance truck over 1t and Vehicle insurance trailer are found.

Virtual Folder - TestCases COMPLETED not linked to any ExecutionList

This virtual folder displays all TestCases with the TestCase state COMPLETED which are not linked to an ExecutionList.

The state of the TestCase is shown as the value of the property TestCaseWorkState in the Properties tab of a TestCase.

The status can also be seen in the TestCase icon if the option View->TestCase->Show TestCase Workstate is enabled in the main menu.

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL query - TestCases COMPLETED not linked to any ExecutionList

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:TestCase[(TestCaseWorkState=="COMPLETED") AND (Count("ExecutionEntries") ==0)]

  • The operator -> specifies which level below the starting point is to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:TestCase allows to search for all TestCases that are child elements of the current search element.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to execute a query on the found TestCases. The virtual folder shows only the TestCases that match the query.

    (TestCaseWorkState!=“COMPLETED“) indicates that objects with the TestCase WorkState COMPLETED are searched.

  • The expression AND connects two conditions. Only objects that meet all the specified conditions are outputted.

    Syntax:(<Condition 1>) AND (<Condition 2>)

  • COUNT("ExecutionEntries")==0 indicates that a search is run for objects that are not linked to any ExecutionEntries.

In this example, the two TestCases Vehicle insurance automobile and Vehicle insurance truck under 1t are found.

Virtual Folder - Orphaned TestCases (not linked to any Requirement)

In this virtual folder, all TestCases which are not linked to a Requirement are shown.

TQL query - Orphaned TestCases (not linked to any Requirement)

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->COMPLEMENT(->PROJECT=>SUBPARTS:TestCase, ->PROJECT->AllOwnedSubItems:TCFolder[PossibleContent =? "Requirement"] =>SUBPARTS:Requirement->TestCaseLink->TestedBy)

  • The operator -> specifies which level below the starting point is to be searched.

  • COMPLEMENT searches for a complementary set.

  • The first query starts from the project root element ->PROJECT and performs a recursive search for all TestCases in all subordinate levels =>SUBPARTS.

  • The second query also starts from the project root element and searches for all TestCases which are linked to Requirements.

    The displayed result is the complementary set of both queries. In this example, these are all TestCases which are not linked to a Requirement.

Virtual Folder - Unused modules

This virtual folder serves to display all Modules that are not used in a TestCase.

Accordingly, the virtual folder is located under Modules.

Virtual folder - Modules

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the folder's TQL query.

TQL Query - Unused modules

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:


  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:Module allows all TestCases that are child elements of the current element to be searched for.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to perform a query on the found Modules. The virtual folder only shows the Modules that match the query.

    [COUNT("TestSteps")==0] indicates that only the objects that are not assigned to a TestStep are selected.

The result of the query in this example is that the Modules B - 01 - Type of Vehicle (general), B - 02 - Vehicle data (automobile) and B - 03 - Insurant privat (general) are found.

Virtual Folder - Specific Module (TestCase)

This virtual folder serves to display all TestCases that are linked to a Module.

Accordingly, the virtual folder is located in the Modules section (see Illustration "Virtual folder - Modules").

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL Query - Specific Module (TestCase)

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:Module[Name=="A - 02 - Vehicle data (automobile)"] ->TestSteps->OwningObject

  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:Module allows to search for all Modules that are child elements of the current element.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to perform a query on the found Modules. The virtual folder only shows the Modules that match the query.

    [Name=="A - 02 - Vehicle data (automobile)"] serves to select only the objects named A - 02 - Vehicle data (automobile).

  • ->TestSteps searches for all TestSteps that use the previously found Modules.

  • ->OwningObject outputs the TestCases which contain the found TestSteps.

The result of the query in this example is that the TestCase Vehicle insurance automobile is found.

Virtual Folder - Specific Module (TestStep)

This virtual folder serves to find all TestSteps that are linked with a Module.

Accordingly, the virtual folder is located in the Modules section (see Illustration "Virtual folder - Modules").

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL Query - Specific Module (TestStep)

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:Module[Name=="A - 04 - Product choice (truck)"] ->TestSteps

  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:Module allows to search for all Modules that are child elements of the current element.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to perform a query on the found Modules. The virtual folder shows only the Modules that match the query.

    [Name=="A - 04 - Product choice (truck)"] specifies that only objects with the name A - 04 - Product choice (truck) are selected.

  • The expression ->TestSteps specifies that all TestSteps which use the previously found Modules are returned.

The result of this example is that the TestSteps A - 04 - Product choice (Input) and A - 04 - Product choice (Input) are found.

Virtual Folder - Requirements without TestCaseLink

This virtual folder serves to find all Reqirements which are able to but do not yet contain a linked TestCase.

Accordingly, the virtual folder is located in the Requirements section (see Illustration "Virtual Folder - Requirements").

Virtual Folder - Requirements

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL Query - Requirements without TestCaseLink

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:Requirement[(RequiredTestCases == 0) AND (COUNT("SubRequirements") == 0)]

  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:Requirement searches for all Requirements that are child elements of the current element.

  • Expressions in square brackets are used to perform a query on the found Requirements. The virtual folder only shows the Requirements that match the query.

    The expression RequiredTestCases == 0 specifies that only the objects where the number of required TestCases equals 0 are selected.

  • The expression AND serves to link two conditions. Only objects which meet all the specified conditions are outputted.

    Syntax:(<Condition 1>) AND (<Condition 2>)

  • COUNT("SubRequirements") == 0 specifies that only the objects that do not contain any Requirements are selected.

The result of the query in this example is that the Requirements 1.2.1, and 1.2.4 are found.

Virtual Folder - Requirements without TestCase Link (Weight)

This virtual folder is an extension of the folder “Requirements without TestCaseLink“ (see "Virtual Folder - Requirements without TestCaseLink").

All the Requirements with the weighting 0 are included.

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the folder's TQL query.

TQL Query - Requirements without TestCase Link (Weight)

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:Requirement[(RequiredTestCases == 0) AND (COUNT("SubRequirements") == 0) AND (Weight > 0)]

It differs from the previous query by the additional limitation "AND (Weight > 0)".

AND (Weight > 0) specifies that only objects with a weighting greater than 0 are selected.

The result of the search in this example is that the Requirements 1.2.1, 1.2.4 and are found.


In this case, -Contribution is used for sorting.

This means that the found elements are displayed in descending order depending on their contribution.


The default columns are specified here including the size, which is displayed in the detail view of the virtual folder. In the example, Name has 300 pixels, Weight has 80 pixels and Contribution has 140 pixels.

Virtual Folder - Requirements with missing TestCases

This virtual folder serves to find all Requirements that have the required number of TestCases defined, but where all TestCases are not yet linked.

Accordingly, the virtual folder is located in the Requirements section (see Illustration "Virtual Folder - Requirements").

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL Query - Requirements with missing TestCases

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>return SUBPARTS:Requirement[Weight != 0]->SUBPARTS:RequirementTestCaseLink[(Weight != 0)AND(COUNT("TestedBy") != 1)]

  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>return SUBPARTS:Requirement searches for all Requirements that are child elements of the current element included in the search.

    The expression return specifies that Requirement objects are searched, regardless of what other objects are searched for in the query.

  • The expression in square brackets is used to perform a query on the found Requirements. The virtual folder show only the Requirements that match the query.

    The expression [Weight != 0] indicates that only Requirements whose weighting is not 0 are displayed.

  • ->SUBPARTS:RequirementTestCaseLink jumps one level downward from the Requirements found so far, and searches for all TestCase links.

  • Within the square brackets are two conditions linked by AND, which further limit the found objects.

    The expression Weight != 0 returns only TestCase links whose weighting is not 0, and COUNT("TestedBy") != 1 limits the TestCase links to those which are not yet linked with a TestCase.

The result of the query in this example is that the Requirements 1.1 and 1.3 are found.


In this case, -Contribution is used for sorting.

This means that the found elements are displayed in descending order depending on their contribution.


The default columns are specified here including the size, which is displayed in the detail view of the virtual folder. In the example, Name has 300 pixels, "Weight" has 80 pixels and "Contribution" has 140 pixels.

Virtual Folder - ExecutionEntries with TestCaseWorkState != COMPLETED

This virtual folder shows all TestCases that are linked to an ExecutionList and whose TestCase Workstate does not contain the value COMPLETED.

Virtual Folder - ExecutionLists

The state of the TestCase is shown as the value of the property TestCaseWorkState in the Properties tab of a TestCase.

The status can also be seen in the TestCase icon if the option View->TestCase->Show TestCase Workstate is enabled in the main menu.

Structure of the TQL query

The Properties tab in the details view of the virtual folder shows the TQL query of the folder.

TQL query - ExecutionEntries with TestCaseWorkState != COMPLETED

The TQL query for this folder is as follows:

->SUPERPART=>SUBPARTS:ExecutionEntry->TestCase [TestCaseWorkState!="COMPLETED"]

  • The operator -> specifies which levels below the starting point are to be searched.

  • The terminal symbol SUPERPART specifies that the parent element of the current element is to be included in the search process.

  • =>SUBPARTS:ExecutionEntry->TestCase searches for all TestCases that are linked to ExecutionEntries.

  • The expression in square brackets is used to perform a query on the found TestCases. The virtual folder shows only the TestCases that match the query.

    The expression [TestCaseWorkState!=“COMPLETED“] indicates that objects whose TestCaseWorkstate does not contain the value COMPLETED are searched.

The result of the query in this example is that the TestCases Vehicle insurance trailer and Vehicle insurance truck over 1t are found.