Configure the Tosca CI Client for test execution on the build server

Configure the behavior of your Tosca Continuous Integration Client (Tosca CI Client) in the ToscaCIClient.exe.config file. This file is located at %COMMANDER_HOME%\ToscaCI\Client.

You can modify the following settings in the userSettings section:

Setting name




Path to the workspace that executes the tests.

Example: C:/Tosca_Projects/Tosca_Workspaces/MyWorkspace.tws



Login name for the workspace.

If you use LDAP authentication for your repository, you can use the domain and the Windows user name as LoginName.



Password for the workspace, if you have set a password.

If you use LDAP authentication for your repository, you do not need to enter a password.



The maximum time in milliseconds the Tosca CI Client waits to checkout the ExecutionLists folder. If the Tosca CI Client cannot checkout the folder within the specified time, it aborts the execution and reports it as failed.

The default value is 300000 milliseconds.



Defines the format of the timestamp in the execution result. The default value is yyMMdd HHmm.

You can modify this setting with custom strings. For information on possible syntax, see the Microsoft documentation at



Specifies that you want to receive results after the execution of each ExecutionEntry in addition to the summary results at the end of the test run.

By default, this setting is turned off, i.e. set to False.



Defines the structure of test results. Valid values are:

  • Junit

  • Default

Tricentis recommends that you enter the value Junit, which generates a result file every build server can read and display.

If ReportIntermediateResults is True, only result type Junit is possible.



Defines the path to the result.xml file on the Tosca CI Client. The build server imports this file to display the test results.

You can overwrite this setting with the call parameter -r if you do not want to use the specified path for a particular test set.



If your build server requires exit codes that indicate whether tests were successful or not, set the value of this setting to True. The exit code informs the build server whether the tests have passed or failed, or whether there are no results for one or more ExecutionEntries:

  • Passed: exit code 0

  • Failed: exit code -1

  • No result for ExecutionEntries: exit code -2. This code applies if ReportIntermediateResults is set to True.



In the example below, you have defined the behavior of the Tosca CI Client in the following way:

  • The Tosca CI Client waits a maximum of 400.000 milliseconds to checkout the ExecutionLists folder.

  • It executes on the workspace SampleWorkspace.tws with the user Admin. The user has no password.

  • The Tosca CI Client saves the result file to the path C:\Sample_Directory\Result.xml.

  • The build server expects an exit code from the Tosca CI Client.

        <setting name="MaxWaitForCheckout" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="WorkspacePath" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="LoginName" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="LoginPassword" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="PathToResultFile" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="ConsiderExecutionResult" serializeAs="String">