Enable scripting

You can use the HMAC support to enable Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) for your API messages.

The HMAC support is part of the API & OSV Early Access components.

The API & OSV Early Access components are in the Early Adopter phase. Tricentis does not guarantee full functionality or usability in the current or future Tricentis Tosca versions.

To enable scripting (HMAC support), follow the steps below:

  1. Enable the feature in the Options - API and OSV Early Access menu. The Scripting tab becomes visible under API Scan.

  2. Create a new API message.

  3. On the Scripting tab, implement the IProcessor interface via C# code, as in the example below:

    HMAC scripting

    Below, you can find the C# code example in a copyable format:

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Security.Cryptography;
    using Tricentis.Automation.Api.Core.Extensions;
    using Tricentis.Automation.Api.Core.Tc;
    using Tricentis.Automation.Api.Engine.Scripting;
    namespace HmacSupport {
        public class OwnProcessor : IProcessor {
            public void BeforeExecute(IApiMessage message) {
                var algorithm = new HMACSHA256();
                var hash = algorithm.ComputeHash(message.Payload);
                message.HeaderList.Add(new KeyValueToken("HMAC", Convert.ToBase64String(hash)));

    The IProcessor interface can have only a single implementation, and the implementation must have a constructor without a parameter. Optionally, you can use the default, parameterless constructor.

  4. Enter the payload of your API message on the Payload tab:

    HMAC payload

  5. Click Run in the menu to run your message.

  6. You can catch the returning message via the Message Recorder:

    HMAC response

If you want to use the HMAC support only via the API Scan Standalone (that is, on a PC where you do not have Tosca Commander installed), ensure that you start the ApiScanStandalone.exe with the /script flag, that is, type ApiScanStandalone.exe /script into the command line.