Steer Android snackbar

With the Mobile Engine 3.0, you can steer the snackbar on your Android device.

You do so by using the Android Snackbar Module.

This Module is part of the Standard subset. You can find it under Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Mobile.

Use the Module in a TestCase

To steer the snackbar, follow the steps below:

  1. Specify the required test configuration parameters to establish a connection with the device.

  2. Add the Open Mobile App TestStep.

  3. Add a TestStep that triggers Android snackbar.

  4. Drag and drop the Android Snackbar Module onto your TestCase.

  5. In the TestStepValue Text, specify the message that appears on the snackbar. Set the ActionMode to WaitOn to ensure that text execution waits until the snackbar appears.

  6. Optionally, in the TestStepValue Action, specify the action you want to perform on the button that is next to the snackbar text.

In this example, you perform the following actions:

  • You open the mobile application with the Module Open Mobile App.

  • You click on the button Show SnackBar With Delay, which triggers the snackbar.

  • You use ActionMode WaitOn to wait until the snackbar with the text message Speed changes everything appears.

  • You verify whether the message is Speed changes everything.

  • You click the button on the snackbar to close it.

Android Snackbar Module in a TestCase