Share TestCases and invite testers

The share TestCases and invite testers function is available for all the sessions that you have checked in. Before applying Share & Invite, Tosca Commander uploads all session data to the Interactive Testing server.

If you are working in a multi-user workspace, make sure to check in all the required session data (testers, TestCases and interactive sessions) and upload them to the server before sharing TestCases and inviting testers.

As a test manager, you can share checked-in TestCases with existing testers and inform them about updates on interactive test sessions. You can also invite new testers to interactive test sessions:

In theShare & Invite tab, you can also create and edit the short descriptions and briefings of interactive TestCases and email invitations.

Invite new testers

As a test manager, you can invite and notify interactive testers who do not use Tosca Commander via email to participate in manual tests. These invited testers can use the standalone Interactive Testing Agent for testing.

Share & Invite tab

For more information on inviting testers, see chapter "Invite new testers"

Inform existing testers

Test managers must inform testers in case of updates on the interactive test sessions that the testers are working on.

When a test manager performs changes to a session, Tosca Commander highlights the Share & Invite tab in yellow and displays a tooltip on it. This tooltip is visible until the test manager uploads changes to the server to synchronize session data.

Highlighted Share & Invite tab

For more information on sending testers updates, see chapter "Inform existing testers".