Tricentis Tosca Server Patch Notes Version 14.2 LTS Patch 1-2

This topic provides information on the installation, new features and resolved issues of the Tricentis Tosca Server patch.

Tricentis Tosca Server patches are cumulative. The most recent patch for this Tricentis Tosca version contains the newly added features and fixes as well as those from previous patches. You only need to install the latest patch for this Tricentis Tosca version.

You must also install Patch 6 (or later) for Tricentis Tosca to ensure full functionality.


  1. Download the installation file from the Support Portal and unzip all files.

  2. Create a backup of the Web.config files of all Tosca Server features. Later on, use the backed up files only as a reference.

  3. Run the Tosca Server 14.2 Patch2.exe file.

    If required, run the installation file with administrator rights.

New Features

For this patch, we have added the following features:

Tosca Distributed Execution: Agent synchronization timeout (since Patch 2)

As of Tosca Server 14.2 LTS Patch 2, you can define a synchronization timeout between Tosca Distributed Execution and its Agents.


Elastic Execution Grid (since Patch 1)

Tricentis is excited to announce that the technical preview of Elastic Execution Grid now supports Tricentis Tosca 14.2.

Elastic Execution Grid is a cloud-based environment where you can store, run, and track tests over time. It gives you reliable results within minutes, no matter how many machines you have, or how complex your tests are.

If you integrate Tricentis Tosca with Elastic Execution Grid, you can create your tests in Tricentis Tosca and run them in Elastic Execution Grid.

Read more:

Resolved issues

The following issues have been resolved:


Fixed in



Distributed Execution

Patch 01


You can now use Elastic Execution Grid with Tricentis Tosca 14.2.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which produced inconsistent DEX Server and DEX Agent states when the connection was lost and not re-established within the connection timeout.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which prevented execution results to be picked up when test execution was canceled.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which caused the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to behave unexpectedly.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which caused missing Agent names in the Event Monitor.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which produced inconsistent states when an exception occurred.

Distributed Execution

Patch 02


Fixes an issue which prevented the Automation Object Service from accessing configuration files.