Vision AI Modules

The folder TBox XEngines->Vision AI in the Standard subset contains the following Modules that perform specific tasks for the Vision AI:

Run VisionScript

The Module Run VisionScript allows you to insert VisionScript statements between Tricentis Tosca TestSteps.

The Module has the following ModuleAttributes:




Specify the caption of the window that should be active when running the script.


Enter the VisionScript commands.

To do so, refer to the Vision Script Reference.

In this example, you use the Run VisionScript Module to click on the Request Demo button.

Run VisionScript Module in a TestCase

Vision AI Self Healing

The Module Vision AI Self Healing allows you to enable self healing of every control that can't be found when you run your Vision AI TestCases. This is a beta feature.

The Module doesn't have any ModuleAttributes.

In this example, you perform the following actions:

  • You create a Recovery Scenario which contains the Module Vision AI Self Healing.

  • You set the RetryLevel of this Recovery Scenario to TestStepValue.

  • In the Test configuration tab of the TestCase Vision AI TestCase, you add the TCPs OnDialogFailure and TestStepValueRetries.

Vision AI Self Healing Module in a TestCase