Sample TestCases and ExecutionLists

The Tricentis Tosca Standard subset contains sample TestCases and ExecutionLists. Once you have imported the subset, you can find them in the following locations:

  • Sample TestCases are in the folder TestCases->Standard module examples->TBox XEngines.

  • The corresponding ExecutionLists are in the folder Execution->ExecutionLists->Standard module examples->TBox XEngines.

For detailed information on how to work with XML Engine 3.0 and Tosca JSON Engine 3.0 TestCases, see the Tosca XML Engine 3.0 and the Tosca JSON Engine 3.0 manual.

How to use XML Engine 3.0 sample TestCases

To run the XML Engine 3.0 sample TestCases, follow the steps below:

  1. Unzip the embedded package Example into a directory of your choice.

  2. Create a test configuration parameter for the XML Basic Example TestCase.

    • Name the parameter ExampleDirectoryXML.

    • Into the Value field, enter the path to the directory that contains the files from Example

  3. Install the certificate xmlsigningcert.pfx, which is part of the package for the Xml Signing and Encryption Example TestCase.