The TC-Shell syntax

TC-Shell commands are usually not case-sensitive. This means that JumpTo and jumpto are identical. Please note that the parameter, which is followed by the TC-Shell command, is case-sensitive!

Quotation marks

Quotation marks (") can be used as token delimiters if spaces, tab stops or new-line characters shall be used in tokens.

JumpToNode "/TestCaseFolder/modelTestCases/automatedTestCases"

Set Name = "This is

a multiline



The backslash ("\") is used as escape symbol in order to mask control characters such as quotation marks or backslashes. This means if a quotation mark or a backslash should appear in the token, it has to be preceded by the escape symbol.

Search "->Items:TestCase[Name==\"TC1\"]" 1

If backslashes are used in paths, they must also contain an escape character (backslash).


Paths can also be specified without any backslashes.



Comments can be marked with "//" and are valid up to the end of the line.