Steer PuTTY Engine 3.0 controls

You can steer the following standard controls with the PuTTY Engine 3.0:

For information on how to create Modules using these controls, see chapter "Create PuTTY Modules".


Note the following restrictions for steering PuTTY controls:

  • PuTTY applications don't support cursor positioning. When you steer TextBoxes with ActionMode Input, Tricentis Tosca places the text in the currently active position in the terminal.

  • PuTTY applications don't support table manipulation. When you steer Tables, you can't use ActionMode Input.

  • When you steer your PuTTY application, make sure that the window size is the same as when you scanned it.

  • PuTTY doesn't detect passwords. When you send passwords over PuTTY, use DataType Password to protect them.

Control steering examples

In this example, you use a TestCase to perform the following actions:

  • TestStep PuTTY - Wait for text steers the control type Label. It waits until a message which contains the word done appears. To do so, it uses wildcards before and after the word done.

  • Once the message appears, TestStep PuTTY - Input steers the control type TextBox. It sends the command exit, followed by ENTER.

Wait for a message before sending a command to the PuTTY application

In this example, you steer the control type TextBox to sign in to a PuTTY application.

You send the username and an encrypted password, each followed by ENTER.

Send commands to a PuTTY terminal window

In this example, you steer the control type Table to verify whether the content of the first cell in the second row of a PuTTY table is Budapest.

Verify the content of a table in the PuTTY terminal