Settings - Special Dates

By default, Tricentis Tosca considers all weekdays as working days except for Saturdays, Sundays, and the holidays that you define.

You can define holidays for your test data in the settings under Settings->TBox->Special Dates:

Fixed Holidays


Define holidays that occur every year on a specific fixed date.

You can define several holidays, separated by semi-colon.

Syntax: <DAY><MONTH>;<DAY><MONTH>;...



Floating Holidays


This setting defines floating public holidays in relation to Easter Sunday.

You specify the difference to Easter Sunday (0) in days.

Syntax: ...;<Number>;0;<Number>;...


Austria has the following floating holidays:

  • Good Friday: −2

  • Easter Sunday: 0

  • Easter Monday: 1

  • Ascension Day: 39

  • Whit Sunday: 49

  • Whit Monday: 50

  • Corpus Christi: 60

The floating holidays setting for Austria is therefore -2;0;1;39;49;50;60.