Using test data from Excel

Test case data can be managed in Excel. This requires an Excel spreadsheet which arranges the test data in rows and columns.

For further information on supported Excel versions, please refer to the System requirements.

The TestCases are represented by columns, and individual data sets are represented by the rows.

  • The columns A to D contain objects and attributes. Data can be structured by using indentations. The names must be unique.

  • From column F on, the headline contains the business objects, also referred to as instances. Tosca Commander converts them to TestCase names.

  • The rows are filled with data sets.

Excel worksheet - example TC_Object

Copying comments from Excel

In Excel you can define comments for business objects. When TestCases are instantiated, these comments are copied to the template instance and shown in the Description column.

Copying comments

Microsoft® Excel templates can be found in the %TRICENTIS_PROJECTS%\ToscaCommander\Templates\BO directory.

Selecting the instantiation

Instantiation allows various TestCase template instances to be created for TestCases. If you would like to create only certain TestCases from an Excel data source, you can specify them on an extra spreadsheet. This spreadsheet must be named according to the following syntax:


exec_<Spreadsheet name including test data>


Possible instantiations can be selected via the Excel Data source wizard when a TestCase TemplateInstance is created.

  1. A spreadsheet named TC_Object is created in the Excel data source, as shown in Illustration "Excel worksheet - example TC_Object".

  2. A second spreadsheet named exec_TC_Object is created for instantiation.

  3. The first column contains the name(s) of the instantiations.

  4. The header of the subsequent columns contains the TestCase instances of the first spreadsheet, i.e. the data source.

  5. In the example below the instantiations all and 1and3 are specified. An x is assigned to the TestCase instances to be instantiated:

Spreadsheet containing instantiations

  1. In Tosca Commander, the Excel data source is assigned as described in chapter "Use a Microsoft Excel template ".

  2. The option Instantiation Selector is available in the Excel DataSource Wizard when a TestCase Template instance is created.

Excel data source wizard