Rollback with Tricentis Update Service

Tricentis Update Service is in technical preview state and it is provided to you for evaluation, beta or release candidate purposes. Therefore, Tricentis doesn't guarantee full functionality of Tricentis Update Service in the current Tosca version; it's provided “AS IS” without indemnification, support, or warranty of any kind, express or implied, unless otherwise required by law.

Tricentis Update Service shall terminate immediately upon notice in our sole discretion. By accessing, browsing, clicking on an Accept button, installing, copying or otherwise using Tricentis Update Service, you accept this pre-release testing Agreement.

Tricentis Update Service doesn't require a Tosca re-installation to apply updates. This makes rollbacks to a previous update or to the installed version easy.

Downgrade to a previous update package

To downgrade to a previous update, follow the steps below:

  1. Delete the recent update package that you no longer want from the shared folder.

  2. Delete the content of the %TRICENTIS_ALLUSERS_APPDATA%\UpdateService folder for all clients.

  3. Save the update package to which you want to rollback to the shared folder.

The Tosca client will download the update package and apply the updates. The next time the user opens the workspace, the Tosca client automatically loads the updates.

Downgrading to a previous update with a package feed

If you use a package feed for sharing updates, the NuGet.Server might have issues downloading the right update due to caching. If the package feed still downloads the most recent update package that you used instead of the earlier update that you need, do either of the following options:

  • If you have nuget.exe on the machine, run the command nuget locals all -clear

  • If you don't have nuget.exe, manually delete the contents of the folder: c:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\NuGet\

Rollback to the installed version

To rollback to the installed version, you must disable Tricentis Update Service.

To do so, modify the Tricentis Tosca installation and disable the feature.

If you use Engines 3.0 through Tosca Distributed Execution Agents, delete the TRICENTIS_UPDATESERVICE_REMOTELOCATION environment variable from all clients.

The former engine updates will no longer be loaded the next time the user opens a workspace.

If you want to re-enable Tricentis Update Service, follow the instructions in chapter " Use Tricentis Update Service".