Advanced configuration of parallel execution

Parallel execution enables you to run your mobile tests on multiple devices, emulators, or simulators. You can configure your ExecutionLists for parallel execution as described in chapter "Prepare and run parallel execution".

You can also use Tosca Distributed Execution and Tosca Continuous Integration to tailor your mobile test execution to your exact needs. Follow the steps described in this chapter, to perform the following actions:

Use the Mobile Engine 3.0 with Tosca Distributed Execution

To configure and run your mobile tests via Tosca Distributed Execution, follow the steps below:

  1. Install and set up DEX Server.

  2. Install Tosca Commander.

  3. Install Agents.

  4. Start and connect Agents using the default port 5007.

  5. Activate Distributed Execution with AOS.

  6. Set up your workspaces.

  7. Go to Project->Settings and configure the following settings:

    • Url under Settings->Commander->DistributedExecution->Monitor Url.

    • EndpointAddress under Settings->Commander->DistributedExecution->Server.

    • ServerEndpointAddress under Settings->Tricentis Services.

  8. Set up parallel execution on the project root element.

  9. Create and configure your mobile tests.

  10. Configure your mobile ExecutionLists for parallel execution.

  11. Create and execute TestEvents.

    The TestEvents must contain ExecutionLists with the mobile tests that you want to run.

Use the Mobile Engine 3.0 with Tosca Continuous Integration

Once you have set up Tosca Distributed Execution, you can configure Tosca Continuous Integration to run your mobile tests via CI.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Configure the Tosca CI Client.

  2. Prepare your workspace.

  3. Define which tests you want to execute.

  4. Run your TestEvents that contain ExecutionLists with mobile tests via CI.

In this example, you run your CI tests via Tosca Distributed Execution.

To do so, you use the following command with call parameters for Tosca Distributed Execution:

...\ToscaCIClient\ToscaCIClient.exe -m distributed -c config.xml -x True -t junit -r result.xml

Use dynamic allocation of devices in Perfecto and Sauce Labs

To make parallel execution in Perfecto or Sauce Labs more flexible, you can use dynamic allocation of devices. This means that you don't have to provide the full name or ID of your device.

To do so, follow the steps described in these chapters: