Open mobile applications

To run Mobile Engine 3.0 TestCases, you must first open your application.

Use the Open Mobile App Module to open native and hybrid mobile applications on your Android or iOS device.

This Module is part of the Standard subset. You can find it under Standard modules->TBox XEngines->Mobile.

When you upgrade Tricentis Tosca 12.3 or any earlier versions to 15.0 LTS, you have to perform an XEngines migration to ensure that the Open Mobile App Module works correctly. To do so, right-click on the project root element and select XEngines Migration->Update project to current version.

Use the Module in a TestCase

To open a native or hybrid application on your mobile device, follow the steps below:

  1. Specify the test configuration parameters to establish a connection with the device.

  2. Drag and drop the Open Mobile App Module onto your TestCase. It must be the first TestStep of your TestCase.

  3. In the TestStepValue Application, enter your application details:

  4. Set the ActionMode to Input.

In the example below, you use the PackageName and Activity to open an Android application.

Open Mobile App Module in a TestCase

Specify the application name for Android

For Android devices and emulators you can specify the application in one of the following ways:

Specify the full path of the application

If you use this method the application doesn't have to be installed on your device in advance. Tricentis Tosca installs the application when you run the Open Mobile App TestStep.

In the Value field of the Application TestStepValue, enter the full path of the application stored on your computer. Include the file name of the application and .apk extension.

Path of the application in the Application TestStepValue

Specify the PackageName and Activity

If you use this method, the application has to be already installed on your device.

In the Value field of the Application TestStepValue, enter the PackageName and Activity of the application you want to steer. Separate the PackageName from Activity with a forward slash (/).

PackageName and Activity in the Application TestStepValue

Specify the application name for iOS

For iOS devices and simulators you can specify the application in one of the following ways:

Specify the full path of the application

If you use this method the application doesn't have to be installed on your device in advance. Tricentis Tosca installs the application when you run the Open Mobile App TestStep.

In the Value field of the Application TestStepValue, enter the full path of the application you want to steer:

  • Use the .ipa extension for a physical iOS device.

  • Use the .app extension for an iOS simulator.

Path of the application in the Application TestStepValue

Specify the BundleID of the application

If you use this method, the application has to be already installed on your device.

In the Value field of the Application TestStepValue, enter the BundleID of the application you want to steer.

BundleID in the Application TestStep Value

Specify the application name for Experitest

To test your application in Experitest, you need to upload it to your Experitest account. For information on how to do so, refer to the Experitest documentation.

Once you've uploaded your application, you can install it on a device for test execution:

  • If you want to do so, use the BundleID for iOS applications and the PackageName/Activity for Android applications.

  • If you don't want to install your application, you can use the prefix cloud: in the Value field of the Application TestStepValue.

In these examples, you specify the application name for applications that are not installed on your Experitest devices.

  • For Android applications, you enter cloud:com.tricentis.insuranceCalculatorApp/

  • For iOS applications, you enter cloud:com.tricentis.insuranceCalculatorApp.

Specify the application name for Perfecto

Perfecto enables you to perform Mobile Engine 3.0 test automation in the online cloud. For test automation in Perfecto, you can specify the application in one of the following ways:

Specify the full path of an Android or iOS application in Perfecto

In the Value field of the Application TestStepValue, enter the path of a mobile application in Perfecto.

For Android applications you can use the path of the .apk file or the PackageName and Activity separated by a slash.

Path of an Android application in Perfecto

PackageName and Activity of an Android application in Perfecto

For iOS applications you can use the path of the .ipa file or the BundleID.

Path of an iOS application in Perfecto

BundleIDof an iOS application in Perfecto