Properties for remote or local execution

Once you have created an XML file, you can define the properties the Tosca Continuous Integration Client (Tosca CI Client) should filter for.

Define those properties within the testConfiguration tags in the XML file.

If you execute your Continuous Integration tests via Remote Service or on your build server, you can specify the following properties:


Enter ExecutionType to classify your tests into categories. You can then execute your tests by these categories.

If you define an ExecutionType property in the XML file, you have to create a corresponding property in Tosca Commander. Both properties must have the same name and the same value.

You can define several ExecutionType properties. The Tosca CI Client will trigger the execution of all ExecutionLists whose test configuration parameter matches one of the specified values.

In the example below, you have categorized some of your tests as Java and SAP tests. The Tosca CI Client will trigger the execution of the following ExecutionLists:

  • All ExecutionLists with the property ExecutionType and the value Java

  • All ExecutionLists with the property ExecutionType and the value SAP

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>


Alternatively, you can define the property customProperties. To do so, set custom properties in the XML file.

If you set a custom property in the XML file, you have to create a corresponding property in Tosca Commander. Both properties must have the same name and the same value.

In the example below, the Tosca CI Client will execute your Firefox and Chrome regression and the smoke tests you created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
        <property name="SmokeTests">true</property>    


You can define one or several surrogateIds instead of defining ExecutionTypes together with customProperties in your XML file.

In this case, the Tosca CI Client filters for the UniqueId of an ExecutionList. The value you enter into the XML file must be an exact match for the value of the ExecutionList's UniqueId in Tosca Commander.

In the example below, the Tosca CI Client only executes the ExecutionList with the UniqueId 123456789.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>


If you have defined a surrogateId in your XML file, you can also define the property ignoreNonMatchingIds and set it to true. In this case, the system raises no error if it does not find an ExecutionList with the specified surrogateId.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>


Use buildrootfolder if you want to change where the system saves your execution results. By default, the system saves test results to the ExecutionList folder whose property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder is set to true.

Enter a new value for the setting in the XML file. The value of the setting buildrootfolder must match the value of the property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder of the ExecutionLists folder you want to save the results to.

In the example below, the system will save the execution results to the ExecutionList whose property ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder has the value Monday.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>


By default, the system keeps all execution results in your ExecutionList. If you want to remove all logs from previous executions at the start of a new execution run, enter the property cleanoldresults and set it to true.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>


Use testMandateName to add an additional identifier to the name of a TestMandate in the ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder. By default, the system uses the date the folder was created as the name.

The example below shows how to add the version number of the system under test to the TestMandate name.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>