Launch the execution of Tosca Continuous Integration tests
Once you are ready to execute your Tosca Continuous Integration tests, call up the Tosca Continuous Integration Client (Tosca CI Client) with the help of call parameters, using the command line.
The Tosca CI Client then triggers the test execution. It will behave in the way you have previously specified in the configuration files that are relevant to your execution type:
execution via Remote Service: configuration files for the launch from Windows operating systems or from non-Windows operating systems
execution with Tosca Distributed Execution: configuration files for the launch from Windows operating systems or from non-Windows operating systems
local execution, i.e. execution on the build server
This behavior stays the same for every test run unless you change the configuration.
Alternatively, you can change the behavior for a single test run. To do so, use additional, optional call parameters that override the configurations for this specific test run.
Call parameters
Which call parameters to use depends on how you will execute your tests: