Use TestCase-Design Steps

If you prefer to create more process-oriented TestCases, you can use TestCase-Design Steps to structure your TestSheet. Using TestCase-Design Steps instead of Attributes is simply a different way to visualize your TestSheet structure. The TestCase-Design Steps still use Attributes within them, but they correspond visually more closely to the TestSteps in the blue section.

Create TestCase-Design Steps

To create TestCase-Design Steps, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the object for which you want to create a TestCase-Design Step. You can create Steps for TestSheets or for other TestCase-Design Steps.

  2. Select Create Step from the mini toolbar.

    Alternatively, you can use the shortcut Ctrl N + Ctrl S to create a Step.

  3. Rename the Step as desired. TestCase-Design Steps must have unique names.

You cannot use the special characters . (dot), -> (right arrow) and <- (left arrow) to name TestCase-Design Steps. These characters will be automatically removed.