Milestone details view

The milestone details view contains all relevant details of a milestone. You can change the owner and date, add a description or attachments . For further details on how to create a milestone, refer to chapter "Create milestone".

Tricentis Tosca TestPlanning session milestone details view


This field displays the owner of the milestone. When you create a milestone, the system automatically lists the currently logged-in Tricentis Tosca user as the milestone owner.

If you want to change the owner, select a new owner from the Owner dropdown menu.


This field displays the date of the milestone. When you create a new milestone, Tosca uses the current date as the default date.

Milestone description

You can enter or edit a description of your milestone, e.g. objectives, in the Milestone Description tab.

Milestone attachments

In this section, you can see all files and Tricentis Tosca objects attached to the milestone. For information on how to add attachments to a milestone, see chapter "Add attachments".