Settings - Recovery

The settings described below are located at Settings->TBox->Recovery. They specify how Tricentis Tosca should handle errors, exceptions and Business Recovery.

On dialog failure


Specifies what Tricentis Tosca should do if the interaction between Tricentis Tosca and the system under test fails:

  • Continue: continues with the execution.

  • Execute next TestCase: stops the execution of the current TestStep and continues with the subsequent TestCase.

  • Halt execution: stops the execution of the current TestStep and doesn't execute the remaining TestCases.

  • Recover: starts Recovery.

On verification failure


Specifies what Tricentis Tosca should do if the value provided by the system under test does not match the specified test value:

  • Continue: continues with the execution.

  • Execute next TestCase: stops the execution of the current TestStep and continues with the subsequent TestCase.

  • Halt execution: stops the execution of the current TestStep and doesn't execute the remaining TestCases.

  • Recover: starts Recovery.

On exception failure


Specifies what Tricentis Tosca should do when an exception occurs:

  • Continue: continues with the execution.

  • Execute next TestCase: stops the execution of the current TestStep and continues with the subsequent TestCase.

  • Halt execution: stops the execution of the current TestStep and doesn't execute the remaining TestCases.

  • Recover: starts Recovery.

TestCase retries


Specifies how many times Tricentis Tosca should attempt Recovery for TestCases.



TestStep retries


Specifies how many times Tricentis Tosca should attempt Recovery for TestSteps.



TestStepValue retries


Specifies how many times Tricentis Tosca should attempt Recovery for TestStepValues.
