Identify controls by properties

Identifying controls by their properties is the default identification method in Tosca XScan.

The Identify by Properties pane contains all the technical information and properties of the selected control (see chapter "Identification parameters").

To load all technical properties for the selected control, click the More button and select Load all.

Identify by Properties pane

Make a control unique

If a control is not uniquely identifiable, you can have Tricentis Tosca select the minimal number of additional properties from the Identify by Properties pane to make it unique.

To do so, select the control and click Make Unique.

Click Make Unique

Alternatively, you can manually select additional properties to identify the control or use a different identification method.

Note that the following properties are blacklisted: ActionPoint, ControlArea, ConstraintIndex, IsSteerable, XPath.

If Tricentis Tosca can't make the control unique with the minimal number of additional properties, a dialog appears that asks whether you want to consider all properties to make the control unique.

Click Yes to load all properties for the selected control to try to make it unique.

Define default IDs

You can define your own default IDs for a control in Tosca XScan so that Tosca XScan remembers them for the next scans. This way, you don't have to manually set the properties of a control to make it unique.

To define default IDs for a control, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the control.

  2. In the Identify by Properties pane, select the properties that you want to define as default IDs.

  3. Click More and select Define default ID.

Now that you have defined all default IDs for the control, they are saved to one of the following files in the directory %TRICENTIS_PROJECTS%\TOSCA_WORKSPACES\<Workspace name>\Settings:

  • WorkspaceSettings.xml: per default, the default IDs are saved as workspace settings.

  • ProjectSettings.xml: if there are project settings defined for the repository and available to the current user, the default IDs are saved as project settings.

If you, for instance, work in a multi-user workspace and want to make the settings in the WorkspaceSettings.xml file available to other users, you need to import the workspace settings to the project settings.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a project settings root element if it doesn't exist already.

  2. Import the WorkspaceSettings.xml file into your project in Tosca.

The settings are now available to all users and workspaces associated with the project.

You can also view all default IDs that you have defined in Tosca XScan in the DefautIds setting located at Settings->TBox->XScan.

Reset default IDs

To reset the default IDs that you defined, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the control.

  2. In the Identify by Properties pane, select the properties.

  3. Click More and select Reset defined default ID.