HOST Engine 3.0

The HOST Engine 3.0 provides a stable, consistent testing platform and layout for steering and testing your HOST application via various emulators.

The HOST Engine 3.0 is part of the Tricentis Tosca standard installation.

To avoid instabilities, Tricentis recommends having only one emulator installed on the virtual machine where you run your tests.


Before you use the HOST Engine 3.0, ensure that you fulfill the following requirements:

  • Your emulator session has a short name.

    In most cases, this is done automatically by your emulator. To make sure that your session was assigned a short name, check the session settings of your emulator. For more information, refer to the documentation of your emulator.

  • The path to the folder which contains the emulator-specific DLL(s) is included in the Path system variable.

Supported emulators

With the HOST Engine 3.0, you can steer HOST controls via emulators. For a list of supported emulators, see chapter "Supported emulators".

Get started

Create your tests for the HOST Engine 3.0: