Add a mobile device, emulator, or simulator

The Mobile Scan automatically displays the following types of devices:

You can manually add iOS or Android devices, emulators, or simulators. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Mobile Scan.

  2. Click Add device.

Add device button in the Mobile Scan

  1. In the subsequent Add device window, select the type of connection from the Choose a connection drop-down menu. By default, only the option Local appears in the Choose a connection drop-down menu. Use this connection type for locally connected Android devices.

    You can add a different Appium Server address on which your device is running. To do so, follow the steps described in chapter "Add a new connection" below.

  2. Into the Enter a name for your device field, enter a custom name for your mobile device.

    The Mobile Engine 3.0 uses this name as a mobile configuration name under the node Mobile->Connections.

  3. Into the Enter the device ID field, enter the device ID of your mobile device.

    To find the device ID of a locally connected Android device or emulator, use the adb devices command.

  4. Select the iOS or Android radio button.

  5. If you selected iOS, specify the device type:

    • Select Real for a real device.

    • Select Simulated for an iOS simulator.

Add device pop-up window

  1. Click Add.

    The device appears in the Mobile Scan. Additionally, the Mobile Engine 3.0 saves the device in configurations, so you can use it in your TestCases.

Add a new connection

When you add iOS or Android devices, emulators, or simulators, the default connection is Local, for locally connected Android devices. You can specify a different Appium Server address on which your device is running.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Add device window, click Add New.

  2. Into the Enter a name for your connection field, enter a custom name for this connection.

  3. Select the connection type from the Choose the type of your connection drop-down menu. You can choose from the following types of connections:

  4. Into the Enter the Appium Server address field, enter the address of the Appium Server. To get the Appium Server address, start the server manually. The Appium Server address consists of:

    • The IP address of the computer on which the Appium Server is running or the URL of the cloud Appium Server.

    • The default Appium port: 4723.

    • The standard path for the Appium Server: /wd/hub.

    To verify if the Appium Server address is correct, open it in your browser.

Add connection window with Appium Server address

  1. Click Add. You can then select the connection from the Choose a connection drop-down menu in the Add device window.

    The Mobile Engine 3.0 also saves the connection in mobile configurations.