Prepare databases for multi-user mode

You can use Tosca Commander in single-user or in multi-user mode (see chapter "Create and manage workspaces").

If you want to use multi-user mode with the repository type Oracle, MS SQL Server, or DB2, you need to create a database on the database server. The tables in this database serve as the common repository; Tosca Commander writes all project data into these tables.

Database requirements

When you create your Oracle, MS SQL Server, or DB2 database, keep the following things in mind:

Size and memory

Size and memory needs are highly individual. They depend on your project: the number and complexity of your tests, how often you run them, the number of users, etc.

Tricentis recommends that you also factor in future growth; don't create a database on a server that's already close to running out of space. If you are worried about repository size over time, consider using Tricentis File Service.

Character sets

Tricentis Tosca only dumps binary/byte data into the repository. Consequently, the database character set is irrelevant. You can go with the standard setup of whichever database type you use.

User credentials, rights, and roles

There are no restrictions on the user name. However, the user that creates and prepares the database must have the following access rights to all tables of the common repository:


  • DROP rights to delete schemas

  • For MS SQL databases only: db_owner, db_datawriter, and db_datareader

Prepare your database

For detailed instructions on how to prepare your databases for multi-user mode, see the following chapters: