Integration with Tosca in the cloud
The integration with Tosca in the cloud is in the open beta phase and available as an early access feature. We don't guarantee full functionality or usability in the current or future Tosca versions. |
Tosca in the cloud is a cloud-based toolkit that helps you automate your end-to-end web application tests. Elastic Execution Grid is the execution service of Tosca in the cloud. It supports HTML applications, such as online forms and e-shops.
If you integrate Tricentis Tosca with Tosca in the cloud, you can create your tests in Tricentis Tosca and run them in Tosca in the cloud.
Tosca in the cloud is fast. Get reliable results within minutes, no matter how many machines you have, or how complex your tests are.
Tosca in the cloud is smart. Its smooth automation and recovery eliminate flaky tests.
Admin tasks: enable the integration
To integrate Tricentis Tosca and Tosca in the cloud, an admin user must first enable the integration.
You can enable the integration in the following ways:
Via Addin.
Via Automation Object Service (AOS).
For information on the difference between these options and how to enable them, see chapter "Enable the integration with Tosca in the cloud ".
User tasks: run tests in Tosca in the cloud
Once an admin has enabled the integration, Tosca users can run their Tosca tests in Tosca in the cloud.
For information on how to do so, see chapter "Run tests with Tosca in the cloud".