Configure the Remote Execution Service

This topic describes a legacy feature that Tricentis plans to discontinue in the near future. For detailed information on the deprecation plan and time line, see this Tricentis Knowledge Base article.

To find out about alternatives, check out this topic.

If you execute your tests via Remote Service, you need to configure the behavior of the Remote Execution Service on the machine that will execute your tests.

To do so, modify the ToscaCIRemoteExecutionService.exe.config file, located at %COMMANDER_HOME%\ToscaCI.

You can modify the following settings:

Setting name



endpoint address

Specify the endpoint of the Remote Execution Service as the baseAddress in the system.ServiceModel section.

The default setting value is localhost.

You can also change the port in the endpoint address, if needed. By default, the Tosca Continuous Integration Client (Tosca CI Client) and the Remote Execution Service communicate via port 8732.



Path to the workspace that will execute the tests.

Example: C:/Tosca Projects/Tosca Workspaces/MyWorkspace.tws



Login name for the workspace.

If you use LDAP authentication for your repository, you can use the domain and the Windows user name as LoginName.



Password to the workspace, if you have set a password for the workspace.

If you use LDAP authentication for your repository, you do not need to enter a password.



The maximum time in milliseconds the Tosca CI Client waits to checkout the ExecutionLists folder. If the Tosca CI Client cannot checkout the folder within the specified time, it aborts the execution and reports it as failed.

The default value is 300000 milliseconds.



Define which Tosca CI Clients the Remote Execution Service is allowed to run.

If you enter a value for AuthenticationUsername, the Remote Execution Service only runs Tosca Continuous Integration Clients with the same value in the ToscaCIClient.exe.config file.



If you have defined an AuthenticationUsername, you must also enter a value for AuthenticationPassword.


Example 1: Specify the endpoint of the Remote Execution Service

In the example below, you have defined the endpoint of your Remote Execution Service in the system.serviceModel section:

        <service name="TOSCAContinuousIntegration.TOSCACIRemoteExecutionService.Service.RemoteExecutionService" behaviorConfiguration="SimpleServiceBehavior">
            <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding" contract="TOSCAContinuousIntegration.TOSCACIRemoteExecutionService.Service.IRemoteExecutionService">
                    <add baseAddress="" />

Example 2: Set up client authentication

In the example below, you have defined an authentication username and password for Tosca Continuous Integration Clients:

        <setting name="AuthenticationUsername" serializeAs="String">
        <setting name="AuthenticationPassword" serializeAs="String">