Configure the Data Integrity Executor

The Data Integrity Executor executes the following TestCases:

When you run these tests, the system automatically starts the Data Integrity Executor and closes it once it has executed all tests. Tosca Commander displays the test results.

Open the Data Integrity Executor

To open the Data Integrity Executor, right-click on its icon in the system tray and select Show Status Window from the context menu.

Alternatively, double-click the file Tricentis.DataIntegrity.Executor.Windows.exe, located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Testsuite\Data Integrity.

Set execution options

The Data Integrity Executor menu bar allows you to control and configure the execution of your tests.

Data Integrity Executor menu bar

The File drop-down menu offers the following options:



Halt Execution

Aborts the current execution.


Closes the Data Integrity Executor.

The Edit drop-down menu offers the following options:




Copies the log from the Data Integrity Executor window to the clipboard.

The Tools drop-down menu offers the following options:



Clear Log

Clears the log displayed in the Data Integrity Executor window.

Clear Stored File Tables

Removes any tables cached in the caching database used by the File Load into Caching Database Module.


Opens the Options dialog of the Data Integrity Executor.

Use the Options Dialog

Use the following options to configure the Data Integrity Executor:



Temporary folder

In Reconciliation tests, Data Integrity uses this folder to temporarily store data.

Keep previous file tables

If enabled, the Data Integrity Executor keeps the tables from previous tests in the SQLite database. If disabled, these tables are deleted.

By default, this option is enabled.

Show debug messages

If disabled, the log includes information on the execution status and errors. If enabled, the log includes additional information for debugging.

By default, this option is disabled.

32-Bit Block Size

If you use a 32-bit ODBC connection on a 64-bit Windows machine for your Reconciliation tests, the system processes the source and target rows in blocks.

By default, Tosca DI processes 1000 rows per block.

Data Integrity Executor Options Dialog