XBrowser Engine 3.0

Tosca XBrowser Engine 3.0 can be used to test web applications.

To ensure that web applications are properly scanned and tested with XBrowser Engine 3.0, perform the following actions:

  • Set the zoom factor of your browser to 100%.

  • Set the zoom factor of the Windows display settings to one of the standard values such as 100% or 125%.


The XBrowser Engine 3.0 is part of the Tricentis Tosca standard installation.

For detailed information on software versions and hardware requirements, see the system requirements.

Specify the browser

During test execution, the system searches automatically all open browsers for the control to be steered.

You can also use test configuration parameters to specify the browser that you want to steer.

Create a test configuration parameter

The Name of the test configuration parameter must be Browser. In the Value column, enter one of the following values:

  • Firefox

  • Chrome

  • Edge

  • InternetExplorer

Test configuration parameter for running tests in Google Chrome

You can use all supported browsers to scan online websites. Tricentis recommends that you use either Chrome or Firefox to scan local websites.