Configure Server

The Tosca Interactive Testing Server is part of Tosca Server (see chapter "Install Tosca Server via setup dialog").

Configure the Interactive Testing Server

After the installation, you must configure the Interactive Testing Server port. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the appsettings.json file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\InteractiveTestingStandalone.

  2. In the HttpServer section, change the default port 5009 to your port.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Open the ocelot.json file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\Gateway.

  5. In the "ServiceId": "InteractiveTestingService" section, change the default port 5009 to your port. You have to make this change in the following two places:

    • Under "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/{everything}"

    • Under "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/ita-assets/{everything}"

"ServiceId": "InteractiveTestingService"
      "DelegatingHandlers": [
      "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/{everything}",
      "DownstreamScheme": "http",
      "DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
          "Host": "localhost",
          "Port": 5009
      "UpstreamPathTemplate": "/interactive/{everything}",
      "UpstreamHttpMethod": [
      "ServiceId": "InteractiveTestingService"
      "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/ita-assets/{everything}",
      "DownstreamScheme": "http",
      "DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
          "Host": "localhost",
          "Port": 5009
  1. Save and close the file.

  2. Open the InteractiveTesting.json file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Server\Gateway\Consul\config.

  3. Change the value of port to your port.

  4. Save and close the file.

You must restart the service in the Windows Services app each time you change the appsettings.json file.

Define a directory for the data

The Interactive Testing Server saves all session data to a directory.

In the ConnectionString section of the appsettings.json file, enter the path to the required directory.

The following sample configuration saves data to the directory C:\Program Files(x86)\TRICENTIS\ToscaServer\InteractiveTestingStandalone:

 "Logging": {
   "IncludeScopes": false,
   "Debug": {
     "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Warning"
"Console": {
  "LogLevel": {
     "Default": "Warning"
"App": {
"ConnectionString": "C:\\ProgramData\\TRICENTIS\\ToscaServer\\InteractiveTesting\\server.db",
"SetupDirectory": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\TRICENTIS\\Tosca Server\\InteractiveTestingStandalone\\download"