Remove qTest links

You can integrate Tricentis Tosca and qTest. This allows you to manage your test objectives and releases in qTest, with the results from your automated tests in Tosca. It doesn't matter where you trigger these tests; you see results in Tosca and in qTest.

You can remove the link between Tosca and qTest objects. Typically, you do so in the following situations:

  • Your testing needs have changed; you no longer need some of your tests and want to delete them.

  • You linked something to qTest that you didn't mean to link.

Unlink from qTest

You can unlink the following objects: 

To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. In Tricentis Tosca, select the object(s) that you want to unlink.

    Note that you can only multi-select objects of the same type. For instance, you can select multiple TestCases at once, but not a TestCase and a TestCase folder.

  2. Right-click and select Unlink from qTest from the context menu.

  3. If you're no longer signed in, enter your qTest credentials into the Connection Details section of the Unlink from qTest dialog as described here.

  4. Click Save and connect.

  5. Specify whether you also want to delete the linked object in qTest. Note: if you do, you lose its execution history in qTest.

Unlink a TestEvent from qTest

  1. Click Unlink.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click OK. This saves the information in Tosca.

  3. To transfer the link removal information to qTest, click Checkin All.

By default, Tosca tries to connect to qTest and transfer information for a maximum of 70 seconds. If Tosca is not successful within that window, it aborts. You can define a different time frame under Project->Options->QTestIntegrationAddin->Maximum time allowed for linking attempts (in seconds).

Clean up qTest TestEvents

When you a create a qTest TestEvent, Tricentis Tosca creates multiple objects in Tosca. Tricentis recommends that you do a clean-up after unlinking; this keeps your workspace slim and clutter-free.

  • If you want to discard the tests and all results in Tosca, delete the qTest TestEvent and all related objects.

  • If you want to keep results information in Tosca, keep either the TestMandates or the ExecutionLists. This saves the results of all test runs, including specific test runs where you didn't execute the entire qTest TestEvent. You can delete everything else.

What's next

You have removed outdated tests and links. Now get ready for the next round of testing: create new qTest TestEvents.