Use the Standard subset
Tricentis Tosca provides a subset with default objects that help you to automate your tests and streamline your workflow.
You can access this subset in the following ways:
Automatically import the subset when you create a new workspace (see chapters "Create single-user workspaces" and "Create multi-user workspaces").
Manually import the subset into an existing workspace (see chapter "Import subset").
By default, the Standard subset file Standard.tsu is located at %TRICENTIS_PROJECTS%ToscaCommander.
Contents of the subset
The subset contains the following objects:
XModules that perform special tasks, for instance open a URL or delete Buffers
Example TestCases and ExecutionLists to show you the practical application of some of these XModules
Virtual folders with useful search queries
Reporting templates
The folder Standard modules contains the following sub-folders:
TBox Automation Tools: Modules to perform automation operations (see chapter "TBox Automation Tools Modules in the Standard subset")
TBox XEngines: Modules for specific Engine 3.0 operations (see chapter "TBox XEngines Modules in the Standard subset")
Test Data Management: Modules to manipulate Test Data Service database records (see chapter "Test Data Management Modules in the Standard subset")
Sample TestCases and ExecutionLists
You can find sample TestCases and ExecutionLists in the following locations (see chapter "Sample TestCases and ExecutionLists"):
Sample TestCases are in the folder TestCases->Standard module examples->TBox XEngines.
The corresponding ExecutionLists are in the folder Execution->ExecutionLists->Standard module examples->TBox XEngines.
Virtual folders
Virtual folders are folders that don't have assigned objects, but assigned search functions. The Standard subset offers sample Virtual folders with queries (see chapter "Sample Virtual folders").
The Standard subset offers reporting templates for ExecutionLists, Requirements, and TestCases (see chapter "Sample reports").