Key vault secrets

To use confidential data with Tosca, you can integrate a key vault provider. This allows you to fetch secrets from a key vault which you can use for your tests, such as passwords, tokens, or sensitive information. When you do so, Tosca uses the fetched value only for a short period of time, without storing it.

It offers the following advantages:

  • Improved secret management, as you don't need to update sensitive information in Tosca anymore.

  • Improved security, as Tosca only stores the path to the secret key.

  • Improved data protection, as sensitive information is excluded from logs or test results.

To see a list of supported key vaults, see chapter "System requirements".


The following limitations apply when using a key vault with Tosca:

Fetch secrets

To fetch secrets from a key vault, you must first prepare your system under test:

  • Set up the key vault on the machine where you run your tests.

  • Stay signed in to your key vault at all times during test execution.

After preparing the SUT, use the dynamic expression {SECRET} and the following syntax:




The parameter SecretPath specifies the path to the secret inside the key vault.


The parameter FieldName specifies which field from the secret to fetch.

In this example, you fetch the field DBPassword, which is located at kv/database/production/pw. To do so, you use the following syntax:


Additional configurations

Specify a different timeout value

By default, Tosca waits 5 seconds for the key vault response before a request fails. If the default value isn't sufficient, you can specify a different timeout value.

To do so, create a test configuration parameter (TCP) named KeyVaultCommandTimeout and specify the new timeout value in milliseconds.

Specify a different path to the key vault executable

By default, Tosca retrieves the path to the key vault executable file via its environment variable, which is set during the vault's setup. If the respective environment variable is not present in your system, Tosca can't find the executable to process the request and the execution fails. In this case, you need to manually specify the path.

To do so, create a TCP named KeyVaultPath and specify the complete path to the key vault executable.