Test Data Service expressions

A Test Data Service expression retrieves test data in your TestCases, so you can identify the right test data for the execution of your tests. These expressions can only retrieve data that's in your repository. For information on how to find or create data in your repository, see chapter "TestData - Find & provide item" and chapter "TestData - Create & provide new item".

To retrieve test data during execution, use the following syntax in the Value field of your TestStep:



Examples of Test Data Service expression

In this example, you've found or created an item with the following test data: MyCar => { "Color": "Red", "Age": 10 }. Now you want to verify that the age of the car from the system under test matches the data.

To do so, fill out your TestStep:

  1. Into the Value field, enter "Age of My Car" == {TDS[MyCar.Age]}.

  2. Set the ActionMode to Verify.

This results in the following verification: "Age of My Car" == 10.