Pre-execution approval environment

Pre-execution approval is an automated process to request and grant approval for TestCases. It's a vital tool to safeguard your test environment and speed up your governance processes.

Before you can enable pre-execution approval for users, you need to prepare the environment.

This topic is for administrators. It lists all environment requirements and explains additional considerations for existing Tosca projects.


Which environment you need depends on which version of pre-execution approval you want to use:

Additional considerations for workspaces with existing TestCases

If you have existing TestCases that are still in progress and need approval, make sure their TestCaseWorkState is set to PLANNED before you enable pre-execution approval.

When you enable pre-execution approval, Tosca locks down the current TestCaseWorkState of all TestCases. Tosca doesn't check whether the state is the result of the approval process or a holdover from before the enablement.

Let's say you have in-progress TestCases with the state IN_WORK. When you enable pre-execution approval, Tosca locks down these TestCases as IN_WORK and considers them as in the approval stage. Consequently, your testers lose edit rights to these TestCases and can't request approval. An admin needs to withdraw the approval request before testers can resume their work.

To avoid this, follow these steps before you enable pre-execution approval:

  1. Run a TQL search to find all TestCases with the state IN_WORK and COMPLETED.

    • =>SUBPARTS:TestCase[TestCaseWorkState=="IN_WORK"]

    • =>SUBPARTS:TestCase[TestCaseWorkState=="COMPLETED"]

  2. Change the work state: 

    • In the search results, select all TestCases you want to set to PLANNED. Make a right-click and select Modify->TestCaseWorkState from the context menu.

    • In the next dialog, enter PLANNED and select Modify all.

  3. If you want to use the integrated version of pre-execution approval and your TestCases are already linked to qTest, update the links. This updates your linked TestCases in qTest with the new state.

  4. Check in.

What's next

Now that your environment is all set, enable pre-execution approval.