Rescan Modules

Tosca's rescan is a quick and easy way to update your Modules, so they match the latest state of your application under test. It's especially helpful if a control has moved to a different location, or if property values have changed. The rescan keeps all references between the Module and its connected TestCases intact. This saves you time since you don't need to create a new Module and TestCases whenever the application changes.

To rescan an existing Module, follow these steps:

  1. In Tosca Commander, right-click the Module that you want to rescan:

    • Select Rescan. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + R.

    • To rescan XBrowser Modules that you created with Web Driver, select Rescan Web Driver. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + W. If Tricentis Tosca can't establish a connection, you need to re-enter connection details based on what you are scanning.

  1. This opens the rescan window, which offers the same options as Tosca XScan. Your next steps depend on what type of Module you want to rescan: