The TC-Shell is the command-line control of Tosca Commander™ and can be started in two different modes, interactive and script.
The interactive mode provides the user with assistance and options. The user has access to the full range of functions of the GUI version in Tosca Commander™ (see chapter "Working in interactive mode").
In the script mode the Shell works off a series of commands from a so-called script data file. In this process the user has no possibility to intervene with any interaction. This mode serves for the automation of processes, for instance to be able to work off an extensive test portfolio without supervision (see chapter "Working in script mode").
The TC-Shell should only used by Tosca Commander™ administrators. This chapter is suitable for users that have the required technical background knowledge. |
In order to analyze the state of a local repository, TC Shell can be used to perform a healthCheck which is to be made at regular intervals. HealthChecks serve to check all objects of a repository for consistency. HealthChecks must not be conducted while other actions are performed on the common repository . We recommend performing healthChecks overnight if possible.
Time-controlled testing
Test cases can be automatically executed at a specified time. Also automated modifications in the repository can be conducted time-controlled.
This is enabled by a combined usage of the Windows Task Scheduler and the TC-Shell. The time is specified in the Windows Task Scheduler. The TC-Shell is started in the script modus and can contain any commands that are executed automatically.