Hardware Requirements

Tricentis Analytics 1.3.1 runs on a Windows OS. However, if you are using Linux or Docker, you can still use Tricentis Analytics. In this case, you will need to use a Windows VM.

Below are details on hardware requirements that are based on your organizations volume of data, as well as for running the Tricentis Analytics application itself.

Please note that Tricentis Analytics is an in-memory analysis technology. The memory requirements for Tricentis Analytics are directly related to the amount of data being analyzed. Hardware requirements are estimates, and as data volume and app size grows, additional CPU and RAM or servers will need to be added.

Read the information carefully, to gain a full understanding on how Tricentis Analytics is deployed.

Tricentis Product Reporting

Tricentis Analytics provides a combined reporting platform for both Tosca and qTest customers. Your organizations number of servers are also dependent on the Tricentis products you are reporting on.

  • qTest : qTest Manager 9.7.1 and ElasticSearch are required and must be running on other servers than your Tricentis Analytics deployment.

  • Tosca Customers: Tosca Commander is required to be set up on the same server.

Required Hardware

The number of servers needed to run your Tricentis Analytics application, and its associated Reporting Database are determined by your Data Volume (read more below.) General hardware requirements, are as follows:

  • Windows Server(s) 2012/2016

    • for the Tricentis Analytics application, and its associated Reporting Database

  • MSSQL 2016

    • used for the Reporting Database

Data Volume Size Query

The query below is for qTest customers to run against your Postgres database used for qTest Manager 9.7.1.

SELECT relname, reltuples::bigint AS approximate_row_count
FROM pg_class pc
inner join unnest('{projects,releases,test_suites,requirements,test_cases,test_case_run,defects,test_case_results,custom_fields,requirements_aud,test_cases_aud,defects_aud}'::varchar[])
WITH ORDINALITY t(name, ord)
on pc.oid = t.name::regclass
order by t.ord asc;

Data Volume Sizing Guide

Your data volume size determines the number of Windows servers needed. You can find sizing requirements below determined by your Data Volume:

  • Data Size Small: one Windows server

    • used for both Tricentis Analytics and its Reporting Database

  • Data Size Medium, Large, and Extra Large: two separate Windows servers

    • one server for Tricentis Analytics

    • one server for the Reporting Database

Example Scenario: Installing qTest and Analytics on a single server

If you have 300 concurrent users or fewer and a data set size of Small or Medium, you can install qTest and Analytics on a single server using 8CPU and 33GB of RAM. For more information on system installation performance based on the number of concurrent users, refer to System Performance on a Single Server Based on Concurrent Users.

Data Volume Sizing Table

The following table gives an approximate data volume sizing guide to use for hardware specs:

Data Volume

Test Objects

Number of Total Machines

Tricentis Analytics

Reporting DB (MSSQL 2016)

Data Size Small

Releases: 600

Requirements: 12,000

Test Cases: 6,000

Test Runs: 12,000

qTest Defects: 5,000

Site Level Fields: 44 

One machine

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016

RAM: 16GB* 

CPU: 2.50GHz (4CPUs)  

HDD: 200GB+ 

Data Size Medium

Releases: 1,200

Requirements: 120,000

Test Cases: 840,000

Test Runs: 600,000

qTest Defects: 30,000

Jira Defects: 30,000

Site Level Fields:

  • Release: 47

  • Requirement: 70

  • Test case: 80

  • Test run: 95

Jira Defect Custom Fields: 50

Two separated machines, one for Tricentis Analytics and one for the reporting database

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016  

RAM: 16GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (4CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

OS: Windows Server
2012/2016 (for MSSQL 2016)   

RAM: 16GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (4CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

Data Size Large

Releases: 2,500

Requirements: 150,000

Test Cases: 1,000,000

Test Runs: 1,000,000

qTest Defects: 120,000

Jira Defects: 30,000

Site Level Fields:

  • Release: 80

  • Requirement: 110

  • Test case: 135

  • Test run: 170

  • Defect: 315

Jira Defect Custom Fields: 50

Two separated machines, one for Tricentis Analytics and one for the reporting database

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016  

RAM: 32GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (8CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016 (for MSSQL 2016)     

RAM: 32GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (8CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

Data Size Extra Large

Releases: 3,600

Requirements: 180,000

Test Cases: 3,600,000

Test Runs: 15,600,000

qTest Defects: 120,000

Jira Defects: 930,000

Site Level Fields:

  • Release: 150

  • Requirement: 215

  • Test case: 265

  • Test run: 340

  • Defect: 625

Jira Defect Custom Fields: 200

Two separated machines, one for Tricentis Analytics and one for the reporting database

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016   

RAM: 64GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (8CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

OS: Windows Server 2012/2016 (for MSSQL 2016) 

RAM: 64GB*

CPU: 2.50GHz (8CPUs)

HDD: 200GB+

* - Based on data values, more RAM may be required.