Prepare the database

If you want to use repository type Oracle, MS SQL Server, or DB2 for multi-user workspaces, you need to create a database on the database server. The tables in this database serve as the common repository; RPA Studio writes all project data into these tables.

Prepare Oracle

To prepare for common repositories, you need to prepare the Oracle client and database.

Prepare the client

To prepare the client, install the corresponding Oracle client components on the client machine.

Make sure the Oracle Data Provider is registered in the global assembly cache (GAC) that contains the OraProvCfg.exe file. RPA Studio uses ODP.NET Version

Prepare the database

The user who prepares the Oracle server for common repositories needs to have the following access rights to all tables of the common repository: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, and DELETE.

To prepare your database, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a database on the database server.

  2. To create the tables, run the SQL script Create Tables ORACLE.sql against the database. This script is located at %RPA_HOME%\SQL\Oracle.

To delete a schema, you need DROP rights.

Prepare an MS SQL Server

The user who prepares the MS SQL Server for common repositories needs to have the following access rights and database roles:

  • SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER and DELETE to all tables of the common repository

  • db_owner, db_datawriter, and db_datareader

To prepare your database, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a database on the database server.

  2. To create the tables, run one of the provided SQL scripts. The scripts are located at %RPA_HOME%\SQL.

    • The script for the SQL Server is located in the directory MS SQL Server.

    • The script for Azure SQL is located in the directory Azure SQL Server.

To delete a schema, you need DROP rights (database role db_owner).

Database administrators can also prevent deadlocks and defragment indexes:

Prevent deadlocks

To prevent deadlocks, you can activate SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION via the following statements:



Replace <databasename> with the actual name of the database.

Defragment indexes

Defragmenting daily enhances the performance of common repositories.

To defragment indexes, adapt the sample script Rebuild Indexes MSSQL.sql which is located at %TRICENTIS_HOME%\RPA\SQL\MS SQL Server.

Prepare DB2

The user who prepares the DB2 server for common repositories needs to have the following access rights to all tables of the common repository: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, ALTER, and DELETE.

To prepare your database, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a database on the database server.

  2. To create the tables, run the SQL script Create Tables DB2.sql against the database. This script is located at %RPA_HOME%\SQL\DB2.

To delete a schema, you need DROP rights.

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2019.05 © Tricentis GmbH