Check in and check out objects

The information in this chapter only applies to multi-user workspaces.

The check in / check out mechanism in multi-user workspaces ensures that users don't interfere with each others work:

  • Check out objects you want to work on. These objects are now locked; other users can't modify them for as long as they are checked out.

  • Check in objects once you're finished with them. This frees them up for other users.

You can also view checkout and change information on the objects in your workspace (see "View object information").

Administrators can revoke checkouts and reject changes. For more information, see the Admin Guide section.

Check out objects

When you open a multi-user workspace, all elements in the project tree are grayed out, which means you can't work on them. First, you need to check out the objects you want to work on.

You can check out the following objects:

  • Individual elements, for instance a single Bot

  • Entire trees, for instance folder structures

To check out an individual element, select it and click on Checkout in the RPA menu.

To check out an entire tree, select it and click on Checkout Tree in the RPA menu.

RPA Studio un-grays checked-out elements and marks them with a green dot.

Project tree in RPA Studio: Folder 1 checked out

All marked objects are now locked and can't be modified by other users.

Objects with a red dot are checked out by another user.

Update the workspace

When you check out objects, RPA Studio automatically runs an update on these objects. This ensures that you work on the most current version of an object.

However, other users may make changes that are not directly connected to the objects you check out. If you want to have these changes in your workspace, you need to update your workspace manually.

To do so, click on Update all in the RPA menu.

Check in objects

RPA Studio marks objects that you check out with a green dot.

If you create a new object in a workspace, for instance a Bot, RPA Studio marks this object with a gray circle.

To check in your objects and make them available to other users, click on Checkin all in the RPA menu.

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2019.05 © Tricentis GmbH