Use wildcards

RPA Studio supports wildcards * in strings:

You can use more than one wildcard.

If you want to use the special character * as part of a string instead of a wildcard, you must escape it (see "Use special characters").

Let's say that at the end of a user registration process, your application generates an ID number. For instance: ID112345678.

The first digit of the number indicates what type of user was registered: private, business, or government. Depending on the user type, the Bot should perform different follow-up actions.

In this case, you would proceed as follows:

  • An initial Step saves the entire ID number to a Buffer named Sample Buffer.

  • A SWITCH Statement compares the value of Sample Buffer against several possible results.

Based on the wildcards in the Cases, the Bot checks for the first three characters of the ID.

SWITCH Statement with wildcards

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Tricentis RPA Studio Manual 2020.2 © Tricentis GmbH