Tricentis Mobile Agent CLI

A Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface that allows you to run programs, manage computer files, and interact with the computer. For faster access, you can start and operate Tricentis Mobile Agent from the CLI.

The following sections describe the list of commands you can use:


The start command starts a local Agent. Before the CLI attempts to start the Agent, it checks that no other Agent process is running in the background. The CLI process continues to run until the Agent is terminated or shut down.

tricentis-mobile-agent start

To start Appium on a specific port on any operating system, such as Mac, Windows, or Linux, use the following command:

tricentis-mobile-agent start --appium-port=<appiumPort>

To start vanilla Appium on a specific port on the Mac operating system for devices running iOS version 17, use the following command:

tricentis-mobile-agent start --vanilla-appium-port=<vanillaAppiumPort>

Execute Appium driver script

Use the --execute-appium-driver-script command to execute a script with Appium. With this command, you can send a request that contains multiple Appium commands in a batch.

tricentis-mobile-agent start --execute-appium-driver-script


Use the -f or --fork command to execute several tasks independently of each other. The CLI process forks when the Agent process starts. The CLI doesn't wait for the Agent to terminate, and the default namespace isn't appended. This command is useful for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) and various configurations.

tricentis-mobile-agent start --fork

External connectivity

By default, Agent starts its gRPC and web servers and binds them to localhost.

To instruct the Agent to bind its gRPC to a different host and port, use the --grpc-address command.

tricentis-mobile-agent start --grpc-address <IP address>:<port>

To instruct the Agent to bind its web server to a different host and port, use the --rest-address command.

tricentis-mobile-agent start --rest-address <IP address>:<Port>


To connect to an Agent and print its version, use the connect command.

tricentis-mobile-agent connect