Define and automate test types

Test types determine how you perform your tests: track test steps manually or integrate an external automation system. A test type defines where the source of truth for your test is located, so you can track every test you run, even if you didn't run the test inside Tricentis Test Management for Jira.

Select the test type for a test case

As a default, your test cases are set to manual. To change the test type, go to the Test Case Panel section of your desired test case. From here, choose your Test type:

  • Select Manual to enter test steps in the Tricentis Test Management for Jira user interface.

  • Select Automated to track test cases managed by a separate automation system. This option includes a rich text box, where you can track information such as automation system type, external test ID, and links to the test in the external automation system.

You can automate setting a test type and updating test statuses with the API. This is especially helpful if you need to track information from externally automated tests. However, if you use the API to change a test type to automated, or if you edit an automated test, you can't change the test type again.

What's next

Now that you've updated your test types, prepare to run your tests or review any of your test types in the Reports tab.