Schedule workflow executions
Workflows may be scheduled to run at future date and time. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, a workflow’s schedule may be managed from the Run Workflow screen. This screen displays a workflow’s last run status and its schedule details.
Access the Run Workflow screen
The Run Workflow screen may be accessed:
- From the LiveCompare hierarchy by choosing ‘Schedule Run’ from a workflow’s context menu.
- From a workflow diagram by choosing ‘Schedule Run’ from the workflow background’s context menu.
- From the Process Runs screen by clicking a workflow’s ‘Run…’ button.
- From the Process Runs screen’s Schedule Info column by clicking ‘Reschedule’.
- From a scheduled workflow’s Process Run screen by clicking ‘Reschedule’.
Schedule workflows
A workflow may be scheduled by carrying out the following steps:
- Access the Run Workflow screen for an unscheduled workflow as described above.
- Click ‘Run Now’ to run the workflow immediately, or complete the following fields and click ‘Schedule Run’.
Field | Description |
Scheduled start time: | Enter a start time for the workflow’s execution. |
Run once on this date: | To run the workflow once at the scheduled start time, select this radio button and enter an execution date for the workflow. |
Run daily at the scheduled start time: | Select this radio button to run the workflow daily at the scheduled start time. |
Run weekly on: | Select this radio button to run the workflow weekly on the selected day of the week, at the scheduled start time. |
Run monthly on day <n> of these months: | Select this radio button to run the workflow monthly on the selected day of the selected months, at the scheduled start time. |
Repeat workflow every: | Specify how often the workflow run should be repeated. |
for a duration of: | Specify the duration for the workflow’s repeat schedule. |
In each case, the Process Run screen is displayed, showing the workflow’s run details.
Advanced settings example
To schedule a workflow to run every 15 minutes for a duration of one hour each day, select the daily schedule, set the ‘Repeat workflow run every’ field to 15 minutes, and the ‘for a duration of’ field to 1 hour.
Reschedule workflows
A workflow may be rescheduled by carrying out the following steps:
- Access a scheduled workflow’s Run Workflow screen as described above.
- Complete the fields in the ‘Scheduling Information:’ section and click ‘Change schedule’. The Process Run screen is displayed, showing the workflow’s run and schedule details.
Disable or enable a workflow’s schedule
A workflow’s schedule may be disabled or enabled by carrying out the following steps:
- Access a scheduled workflow’s Run Workflow screen as described above.
- Click ‘Disable schedule’ to disable the workflow’s schedule, or ‘Enable schedule’ to enable it.
In each case, the Process Run screen is displayed, showing the workflow’s run details. Note that disabling a workflow’s schedule does not abort the workflow if it is already running.
Unschedule workflows
A workflow may be unscheduled by carrying out the following steps:
- Access a scheduled workflow’s Run Workflow screen as described above.
- Click ‘Unschedule’ to remove the workflow’s schedule. The Process Run screen is displayed, showing the workflow’s run details.
Scheduled workflows in renamed Resource Groups
Scheduled workflows may fail if the resource group they belong to is renamed. To resolve this problem, click ‘Reschedule’ in the workflow’s Process Run screen, and then click ‘Change schedule’ in the Run Workflow screen to save the workflow’s existing schedule in the renamed resource group.
A scheduled workflow may not be modified, saved or run directly in the Workflow Editor. To run or modify a scheduled workflow, it is necessary to disable the schedule or unschedule the workflow. Alternatively, a scheduled workflow may be called from another workflow using the Run Workflow action.