Creating Users

If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, create new LiveCompare user accounts by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Administration/Users folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy and choose ‘New User…’ from the context menu.
  2. Complete the New User screen as follows:
Field Description


Enter a logon username.


Enter a description for the user.

Email address:

Enter the user’s email address.

User Role:

Select this radio button to create a user with LiveCompare Editor or Consumer privileges. Select ‘LiveCompare Consumer’ to create a user who is only able to access Apps, or ‘LiveCompare Editor’ to create a user with full editing privileges.


Select this radio button to create an administrative user. Administrators control user access and the availability of workspace models.


Enter a logon password for this user. The password is case-sensitive.

Confirm Password:

Enter the same password for confirmation.

User must change password at next logon

Select this check box to require that the user change his password when he next logs in to LiveCompare.

Add to Project(s):

If LiveCompare is project-controlled, select the appropriate check boxes to add the user to one or more projects. Click ‘Select All’ to select all projects, or ‘Select None’ to select no projects. If projects have been defined, a user with LiveCompare Editor or Consumer privileges will not be able to log in to LiveCompare unless they are assigned to at least one project. Note that Administrators cannot be added to projects.

DevOps Teams: Select the DevOps teams to which the user is to be assigned. Users are able to access Apps that have been assigned to matching DevOps categories (as well as Apps that have not been assigned to a category).
  1. Click ‘Add’ to add the user.

If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, select the Administration/Users folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy to display a list of registered users in the right-hand pane. Connection statistics are shown for each logged on user, and you have the option to log off any connected user. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, selecting the Administration/Users folder displays details for your own user account in the right-hand pane.

Viewing Users

Editing Users

Deleting Users

Importing LDAP Users

Assigning Users to Teams