Importing Apps

An App’s definition may be exported to a ZIP file by clicking its ‘Export App’ button in the App Details screen. If you have LiveCompare Editor or Administrator privileges, you can import an App from a ZIP file containing an App definition by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Select the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy, and choose ‘Import App’ from its context menu to display the Import App screen.
  2. Click ‘Browse…’, and browse for a ZIP file containing an App definition.
  3. If LiveCompare is project-controlled and you are logged in as an Administrator, select the appropriate check boxes in the ‘Add to Projects’ section to add the App to the appropriate projects. If LiveCompare is project-controlled and you are logged in as an Editor the imported App, will be added to the currently selected project.
  4. Click ‘Upload…’. The App Details screen is displayed. Modify the App's name or description as required.
  5. Click ‘Save’. The uploaded App will be available in the Consumer and Studio interface’s App Store screens.

If an imported App already exists in the App Store, it is overwritten, and the existing App is backed up as <App Name>_<Version Number>.

If LiveCompare is project-controlled, an App may not be accessed unless it is a member of at least one project.

App Store

Editing Projects