Read SAP Table Actions

Read SAP Table actions read rows from an SAP table and store the results in a Table dataset.

Action Property Description
Columns to Read A String List parameter containing the names of the table columns to read. If this action property is not set, all the table columns will be read.
Count An Integer dataset which is set to the total number of rows in the specified SAP table, ignoring any selection criteria set in the action’s Rows to Read parameter.
Default Data A Table parameter or dataset which is copied to the Result dataset if the specified table could not be found.
Filter A Table parameter which specifies the row values to be read from the SAP table.
Filter Mode A String parameter or dataset which specifies how the main table is to be read when a filter table is provided. This parameter may be set to ‘ReadEntireTable’, ‘SingleQuery’ or ‘MultipleQueries’.
Key Map A Pair List parameter which matches columns from the SAP table with columns from the Filter table. Each value pair has a column name from the SAP table as the first value, and a column name from the Filter table as the second value. A table row is only retrieved if a matching entry for each value pair in the key map is found in the Filter table.
Result A Table dataset in which to store the retrieved SAP table data.
RFC Destination An RFC Destination parameter or dataset referring to the SAP system from which to retrieve the table.
Rows to Read A Select List parameter specifying which table rows to read. If this action property is not set, all the table rows will be read.
Table Name A String parameter or dataset containing the name of the SAP table to be read. Table names should be specified using UPPER CASE.
Test Rows Locally A Boolean parameter which determines when the ‘Rows to Read’ filter is applied to the table data. If this parameter is set to ‘true’, the filter is applied on the LiveCompare server after all the table rows have been read. If this parameter is set to ‘false’, the ‘Rows to Read’ filter is applied to the table data in SAP.

The Read SAP Table action should include either a Result or Count dataset, but not both.

If a Filter table is provided, the Filter Mode parameter specifies how the filter is to be applied to the table to be read. The Filter Mode parameter may be set to one of the following string values:


If the Filter Mode parameter is set to ‘ReadEntireTable’, the Read SAP Table action reads all the rows from the main table, then discards rows that do not match the filter table. This setting should be used where the filter is expected to match a high percentage of rows from the main table.


If the Filter Mode parameter is set to ‘SingleQuery’, the Read SAP Table action reads the main table, using each row from the filter table as a separate query. This setting should be used if the main table contains a large number of rows, and each row from the filter table is expected to return many matches.


If the Filter Mode parameter is set to ‘MultipleQueries’, the Read SAP Table action reads the main table using an SQL WHERE clause constructed from batches of rows from the filter table. Filter rows are batched up to the maximum size allowed for a WHERE clause in SAP. This setting should be used if the main table contains a large number of rows, and each row from the filter table is expected to return only a few matches. Each of the filter modes produces the same results, however one mode may provide a performance improvement over the others, depending upon the nature of the main and filter tables. If the Filter Mode parameter is not specified, the default setting of ‘MultipleQueries’ is used.

Example (Result Dataset):

Read SAP Table action example (Result dataset).

Example (Count Dataset):

Read SAP Table action example (Count dataset).

To examine the details for a Read SAP Table action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of records read from the SAP table, the number of records written to the Result dataset, the RFC Destination and SAP table used, and the time taken for the action to complete.

The progress of a Read SAP Table action may be monitored by viewing the Details screen while the action is running. Time estimates are available after a sufficient number of table rows have been processed, relative to the total number of rows. The following details are shown:

Item Description
Objects done The number of table rows read so far.
Total elapsed time hh:mm:ss The time for which the Read SAP Table action has been running in hours, minutes and seconds.

Press the F5 key periodically to update the display.

If a Read SAP Table action is interrupted, (for example because its RFC Destination becomes unavailable), choose ‘Continue’ from the action’s context menu to resume the action from the point at which it was interrupted.

Filter and Key Map Example

Tables to Ignore