Compare Payroll Runs

This workflow performs a comparison of the Payroll_Data_Before and Payroll_Data_After External Data Sources. It produces a CSV report highlighting any differences between the two runs. The report has the following columns:

Column Description
EMPLOYEE Personnel number.
AREA Employee area.
WAGETYPE Wage type.
BEFORE Employee payroll amount in the ‘Before’ payroll run.
AFTER Employee payroll amount in the ‘After’ payroll run.
CHANGE This field is set to ‘+’ if the value in the BEFORE column is less than the value in the AFTER column, to ‘-’ if the value in the BEFORE column is greater than the value in the AFTER column, or to ‘=’ if the values are equal.

If there are any differences in payroll amounts between the two runs, the workflow may be configured to email the report to one or more recipients.

Using the Payroll Workflows

The Payroll workflows in the Human Resources templates package should be run as follows:

  1. Drag each of the Payroll workflows from the Templates folder into your own workspace.

  2. Run the Get Before Payroll workflow for a given payroll area, pay date and payroll run date.

  3. Apply changes on the payroll system and perform a second payroll run.

  4. Run the Get After Payroll workflow for the same payroll area and pay date, using the second payroll run date.

  5. Run the Compare Payroll Runs workflow to compare the payroll runs.

Sending Emails

To configure LiveCompare to send emails, see the Integrating LiveCompare with your Email System help topic.

Preparing the Workflow

To configure the Compare Payroll Runs workflow to send its report via email:

  1. Select the To parameter and choose ‘Edit String List’ from its context menu to display the String List Editor dialog.

  2. Click 'Insert Row' to enter the names of each email recipient, then click ‘Save’. Each recipient should be added as a separate string entry.

  3. Select the Send Email action and view its details in the Property Editor.

  4. Choose ‘Edit’ from the ‘From’ parameter’s drop-down list.

  5. Enter the sender’s email address in the dialog at the bottom of the screen, and click ‘Save’. Your mail server must be configured to allow the email address to send emails using the SMTP protocol.

If you do not wish to have the workflow send emails, delete the workflow’s Send Email action.

Save the workflow using the 'Save' toolbar button.

Running the Workflow

To run the Compare Payroll Runs workflow, click the 'Run' toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, select the Report URL dataset and choose ‘View Details’ from the context menu to access the generated report.