Insights 1.14 Release Notes

November 8, 2017


New Scheduler

This Release introduces enhancements to the Insights Report Scheduler which replaces the main one is that it currently uses Greenwich Mean Time and not local time.   To address this, we have implemented a new report scheduler to make sharing reports more reliable.

"Migration" steps 

The user will need to choose to move from old to new. In Saved Reports the user will see a prompt message to migrate.  Users will not have to do this right away and can continue to use the old scheduler.  However, once they click to migrate then all the old schedules will be migrated automatically, after which they will only use the new scheduler.

Navigate to New Scheduler

Select option "Schedule" to open the new schedule dialog

Some notes of the new scheduler

  • All new accounts will only use the new scheduler 

  • The new scheduler has addressed the issue with timezone. The report now can be sent by user timezone which defined in qTest Manager, instead of always UTC

  • The user can customize the title of the scheduled report. It will be the email subject instead of always be "qTest Insights Report Delivery" as current. 

  • Validation on fields of the Schedule dialog to prevent issues with special characters

  • New Scheduler has all the same features as the old scheduler, except for one type which is certain numerical weekday of the month(s). For example: "the 1st Monday of November and December"