Launch 1.5.4 Release Notes

December 11, 2019


Tosca DEX integration

Ticket 34737: previously in qTest Launch, when scheduling Test Execution for Tosca Test Case, the Test Execution log was only attached to the scheduled Test Run when the test FAILED. This release enhanced this by upgrading Launch's agent to also submit Test Execution logs when the test PASSED.

When qTest Launch executes tests against Tosca DEX, it should not create a new Execution List, but use an existing one instead.

Tosca JUnit Parser

After executing Tosca Test using ToscaCIClient tool in Automation Host's Universal Agent, the Test Execution log was only attached to the scheduled Test Run when the test FAILED. This release enhanced this by upgrading built-in Tosca JUnit parser for it to also submit Test Execution logs for the PASSED Test Case.

Also, after executing a Tosca Test using the ToscaCIClient tool in Automation Host's Universal Agent, if the result contains new or updated test steps, those test steps will overwrite the test steps belonging to the scheduled Test Case or Test Run in qTest Manager.

Deleting Job Schedules

Previously, only the Canceled job schedule could be deleted. From this release, the user is now able to delete one or multiple Completed, Failed or Canceled job schedules via either Jobs view or Job Detail view.

When viewing Jobs & Schedule in Host detail page, the user is now able to delete the Completed, Failed or Canceled job.