Import and Export Parameters

Within Parameters, you can both import and export Parameters for testing.

Import Parameters

To import parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Inside Parameters, select the Import icon. The Import Parameters dialog displays.

  2. Select the Project(s) in which you want your parameters imported by selecting the +PROJECTS icon. In the drop-down menu, select your project(s).

    You can either search for a project in the search field or, select the check box(es) next to the project(s) you wish to choose.

    Clearing the All check box will deselect all projects from the drop-down menu. However, since Project is a required field, you must specify at least one project into which the parameters will be imported.

  3. The Excel file must follow the sample template for qTestParameters to recognize it. Download the template provided and include your own values in it. Each Parameter identifier should have it's own column. Rows are used to provide the details for each Parameter column.

  4. Drag and drop your Excel file containing the parameters into the Drag and Drop field, or, select the "click here to pick a file from folder"link to choose your Excel file from your computer's storage.

  5. Choose your preferred method of dealing with duplicate parameters in the field near the bottom of the dialog. The options are summarized below:

    • Overwrite duplicate parameters: Replace an existing parameter in the system, and all of its values with new values from the import file.

    • Add data to existing parameters: Keep the existing parameter in the system and import more values (from the import file) to the existing parameter.

    • Skip to existing parameters: Keep the existing parameter in the system and import more values (from the import file) to the existing parameters

  6. Select Import, and if the import is successful the attachment is virus scanned.

Virus Scanning of Attachments

After the Excel file is uploaded, a file can have one of followings statuses:

  • Scanning: the file is in queue for scanning

  • Clean: the file has been scanned and is not virus/malware infected

  • Infected: the file has been scanned and is virus/malware infected

  • Scanning Failed: for some reason, our scanning service is not available at the time and your file cannot be scanned for virus/malware

The status of a file is appended the file name so you know its scanning status (if nothing is appended to the file name, that means it is “Clean”)

Import Parameter Result

The "Import Parameter Result" dialog box tells you the number of successfully imported parameters, the number of failures, and the list of failed-to-import parameters.

For example, when you import a file with nine new parameters and one duplicate parameter (duplicated with an existing identifier in the system) and then select the option "Skip duplicate parameters," you will receive the following result:

Export Parameters

As well as importing parameters, users can also export parameters.

To export parameters. follow these steps:

  1. In Parameters, select the check boxes next to the parameters you wish to export.

    The system only exports the first 100 selected parameters at once, and archived parameters are not exported.

  2. Select the Actions drop-down menu, and select Export.

  3. When the export is completed, select Download exported file.
